Alderaan HERE I AM "CeeJay"


I'm proud and happy with the results of my CeeJay in the



🏆 🏆 🏆 Number # 5 TOP FCI GROUP I 🏆🏆🏆 

🏆 🏆 🏆 Number # 1 BORDER COLLIE 🏆🏆🏆



Polish Champion

Junior Champion of Poland

Poland Junior Winner Poznań 2017

 Best in Show Junior

res. Best in Show Junior

Best in Show II

 2x Best in Show III

Best in Show IV

3x BOG I

 6x BOG II

Club Winner '18 & BEST OF BREED

Club Winner ' 20 & BEST OF BREED

Qualification for Crufts 2018

IV excellent - junior class - World Dog Show Lipsk 2017

II excellent - intermediatie class - European Dog Show Warsaw 2018


ur : 19.08.2016

HD A, ED 0/0, OCD shoulders - free
CEA NORMAL by parentage
CL NORMAL by parentage
TNS NORMAL by parentage

CEA/PRA/CAT - free
Goniscopy test (Glucoma) - free

Glucoma DNA: n/n


(JCl.Pl, Ch.Pl. Tehya DESTINY OF HER OWN "Yana" & WW'18, JCh.Pl., Ch.Pl.Tehya SHOW ME THE WORLD "Sheldon")


VIVA LA TIA kennel,breeding, sale, Border Collie puppies Forestry (Poland Pomorskie) Hodowla, sprzedaż, szczeniaki Border Collie


VIVA LA TIA kennel,breeding, sale, Border Collie puppies Forestry (Poland Pomorskie) Hodowla, sprzedaż, szczeniaki Border Collie


VIVA LA TIA kennel,breeding, sale, Border Collie puppies Forestry (Poland Pomorskie) Hodowla, sprzedaż, szczeniaki Border Collie


VIVA LA TIA kennel,breeding, sale, Border Collie puppies Forestry (Poland Pomorskie) Hodowla, sprzedaż, szczeniaki Border Collie